Our College Policies
Our college policies are under a continual review process and cover a wide range of areas. They are updated regularly in response to statutory requirements or guidelines issued by a range of organisations, including Welsh Government, Swansea Council, Estyn & Care Inspectorate Wales. Colleges are required to have certain policies by law, such as an admissions or complaints policy. Many other policies are essential to our work and combine guidelines with our own working practices. Certain members of staff are responsible for keeping specific policies up to date and compliant, but the Principal leads the overall process of reviewing and updating policies.
Swansea College recognises that all policies are only effective and achieve what they set out to do, if they are implemented and used in practice by our staff. We therefore take steps to train staff routinely in our organisational policies, through our INSET days, as well as covering the most significant ones as part of the initial induction process for new staff.
The following is a list is just a fraction of all the policies that we adhere to. All of the following are available upon request to the parents/guardians of existing/prospective pupils and some available to read online
To make any requests for college’s policies, please contact the the college’s office.