Project Description

Science Practical endorsements

As an external candidate, you are able to complete your practical endorsements with us.
You need to be registered on a Science GCSE or A Level distance learning course (DLC) to be eligible.
A level: AQA
Students who do not require the Practical Endorsements can choose to opt-out, you will be asked to complete the Science Practical Endorsement opt out form. We always advise candidates to re- check the entry requirements for their course at University to see if they do require the Practical Endorsement or may require it in the future.


A Level

The practical assessments for each subject will involve you completing 12 required practicals to show competency in a range of skills.
Students will complete 4 practical assessments each term throughout the second year of their course. Each term 2 afternoons will be set per subject to complete the 4 practical assessments. You will be sent a lab book prior to attending that must be used to keep a formal record of your assessed practical activities.
These practical assessments will be assessed by your teacher using the Common Practical Assessment Criteria (CPAC). If you successfully demonstrate the required standard across all the requirements of the CPAC, you will receive a ‘pass’ grade. This will be reported separately on your certificate, alongside your overall A-Level grade.


Key Dates & Fees

The practical endorsements form an integral part of your academic assessment. These practicals are scheduled from January to April and will require your full participation. The timetable for the practical sessions will be sent to all candidates in December, allowing you ample time to plan and prepare accordingly.

To ensure fairness and consistency, it is imperative that all practicals are completed under exam conditions. This means that you will be required to adhere to certain guidelines and regulations during the practical sessions. The purpose of conducting practicals under exam conditions is to create a controlled environment that allows for standardised assessment across all candidates.

During each practical session, you will be allocated a full day to complete the assigned tasks. It is essential that you arrive on time and come fully prepared with the necessary equipment and materials, this information will be sent to you with your timetable.

Your dedication and commitment to these sessions will contribute to the overall success of your practical endorsements.


Application Form

Click for Science Exam Practical Endorsement Application Form

GCSE Maths Specification

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