Project Description

Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP)

STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) MATHEMATICS is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test candidates on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics.

STEP is used by the University of Cambridge, the University of Warwick and Imperial College London. Other universities sometimes ask candidates to take STEP.

Some students take STEP papers just for the challenge.

Please check the details of your course(s) to confirm if you are required to take STEP as part of the application process.

There are two STEP examinations: STEP 2 and STEP 3. Students are usually required to sit either one or both of the examinations, depending on the requirements of the universities they have applied to.

For more detailed information about the format of STEP, see the specification. Please note: the specification is currently being prepared for summer 2024 to update the front cover and introduction.

STEP support programme

This free online STEP support programme is offered by the University of Cambridge to help any university applicants develop their advanced mathematical problem-solving skills and prepare for STEP mathematics exams.

Solutions and mark schemes

These documents will help you understand how to answer questions when preparing for your STEP exam. They contain more detail and explanation than would be expected in the exam.

The example solutions and mark scheme have been produced from the 2011 STEP Mathematics Paper I.

STEP shade in a circle

In the answer booklet, candidates must show which question they are answering by shading in a circle on each page.

Please see samples below:

There are two STEP papers; each takes three hours and is based on different A Level knowledge:

STEP 2: A Level Maths and AS Level Further Maths
Is based on A Level Mathematics and AS Level Further Mathematics. The paper has 12 questions across three sections: the first contains eight pure questions, the second contains two mechanics questions, and the third contains two probability/statistics questions.

STEP 3: A Level Maths and A Level Further Maths
Is based on A Level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics. The paper has 12 questions across three sections: the first contains eight pure questions, the second contains two mechanics questions, and the third contains two probability/statistics questions.

The marking scheme for each question will be designed to reward candidates who make good progress towards a complete solution. Correct answers always receive full marks, whatever the method used.

Questions may test a candidate’s ability to apply mathematical knowledge in novel and unfamiliar ways and will often require knowledge of several different specification topics. Solutions will frequently require insight, ingenuity, persistence and the ability to work through substantial sequences of algebraic manipulation.

The papers are graded on a five-point scale.

STEP scoring

There are five possible grades:

  • S – Outstanding
  • 1 – Very Good
  • 2 – Good
  • 3 – Satisfactory
  • U – Unclassified

All STEP questions are marked out of 20. The final grade for the paper is based on the student’s six best answers only.

All the questions that are attempted by a student will be marked. Candidates are rewarded for making good progress towards a solution, even if the final answer is incorrect. Correct answers always receive full marks, whatever the method used.

STEP results

On results day (August 2024), you will be able to view your results using our Results Online system.

Results will be passed to institutions through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) for use in their admissions processes. There is some variation in how different institutions make use of the results – candidates can contact the relevant institution(s) for more information on this.

For Cambridge University, copies of students’ answer booklets are sent directly to the university admissions team. This enables the team to make judgments on students who miss their offer on the basis of their actual work, rather than on just their marks or grade.

Explanation of results

Past papers

These documents will help you understand how to answer questions when preparing for your STEP exam. They contain more detail and explanation than would be expected in the exam.

STEP 2 and STEP 3 past Question papers and Examiner reports are available in zipped files below:

We also offer STEP legacy past papers should you require further preparation or need further challenges.

STEP  Test dates 2024

1 March 2024 STEP registration opens
Centres can register candidates from this date
4 May 2024  STEP registration closes*
5  June 2024  STEP paper 2 test date
24 June 2024 STEP paper 3 test date**
15 August 2024 STEP test results released
21 August 2024 Last date for results enquiries

Please note: we reserve the right to make changes to these dates.

The 4 May 2024 deadline is the last date for centres to register you for the test, so you will need to register with a centre well before then. Centres may set their own deadline in advance for accepting registrations, so please make sure you speak to them as early as possible.

*If the registration deadline falls on a weekend or a public or national holiday, please be aware there is no extension to the registration period. Therefore, you must ensure your centre registers you for the test in good time.

Fee per STEP paper (UK only)


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